In Cavenago Brianza, in the province of Monza and Brianza, the Arcobaleno park gets a makeover today, starting with the new fitness area with a full complement of equipment.
Cavenago di Brianza: fitness area at Parco Arcobaleno

Fitness area in Cavenago (Mb) – img by BG/Tsport
In Cavenago di Brianza (Mb) a 15,000 square metre park, which was enriched with games a decade ago, is being renovated today, starting with the new fitness area with a complete set of equipment.

The intervention, after the removal of the old games, required the construction of a new platform on which nine individual machines were installed around a very large ‘Rig’, as well as customised street furniture elements.

The central structure in the fitness area in Cavenago di Brianza allows free-body workouts with 16/18 simultaneous workstations designed for the practice of Calisthenics, but also different methodologies such as ‘Street Workout’ and ‘Crossgym’.
This facility will mainly be used by individuals with an already advanced level of training. The ‘Rig’ includes vertical and horizontal wall bars, ‘hand power’ and suspended courses, vertical poles, Olympic rings, and more.

Around the ‘Rig’ in the fitness area of Cavenago di Brianza there are individual machines, both cardiovascular (such as Rower Machine and Elliptical) and isotonic (Chest Press, Lat Machine, Shoulder Press, Free Squat Machine, Sit Up bench, Iperextension, Surfboard station, Twister station). Some of these activities are combined in a single machine.
Four of these stations are inclusive, allowing the area to be used also by persons with motor disabilities, perfectly integrated with the other stations.

The machines are equipped with specific information panels explaining each exercise, as well as QR codes for video tutorials. In the near future, they will also be connected to a specific Skyfitness APP that will provide users with a sort of ‘virtual personal trainer’; this will create a specific workout according to: training target, age, preferred methodologies, and much more, so that they can make the most of the facilities present.