The Helitec Method helps design professionals achieve the best possible lighting at the lowest possible cost.
Maximum output, minimum expense: the lighting engineering challenge that no product can win alone

Very often, in fact, when one is about to face the lighting of a new project, a good part of the budget has already been allocated to the structures, the coverings, the stands, the turf; the challenge that designers face becomes than to obtain the maximum lighting effect with the minimum number of lighting fixtures, with the consequece of energy consumption and ordinary maintenance costs reduction.
In case of relamping, for example, the easiest thing to do is to base calculation on the number of lamps installed and their wattages, executing a simple conversion to LED technology. This “traditional” approach, however, is fundamentally flawed, because it does not take into consideration some important factors such as the efficiency of the individual bodies (which would allow to select the luminaires that express the best luminous flux with the lowest absorption possible), the type of optics mounted (which allows to direct the light where it is really essential), or the possibility of using lamps with different wattages, fluxes and optics on the same pole, such as studying the virtual pointing and then verify them only later on in real life.
The Helitec Method approaches the project taking into account these factors, also trying to identify which are the most suitable poles to be installed, whether it is better to illuminate from the corners or from the sides, trying to obtain the lighting solution that offers the most pleasant and appreciable result. This methodology of work allows to obtain the lux in accordance with the law with a smaller number of lamps and with lower powers than the traditional relamping. This is what is meant by maximum performance for minimum expense.
Case studies have shown to be able to go over the classic 40-50% of energy savings from traditional technology to new LEDs, adding an additional 30% of savings thanks to the design refined over the years, making it a real protocol: the Helitec Method.
(News by Helitec Srl).